Sunday, March 1, 2015

Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt

The chronology of the 12th dynasty is the most stable of any period before the New Kingdom. The Ramses Papyrus canon (1290 BC) in Turin gives 213 years (1991–1778 BC). Manetho stated that it was based in Thebes, but from contemporary records it is clear that the first king moved its capital to a new city named "Amenemhat-itj-tawy" ("Amenemhat the Seizer of the Two Lands"), more simply called Itjtawy. The location of Itjtaway has not been found, but is thought to be near theFayyum, probably near the royal graveyards at el-Lisht. Egyptologists consider this dynasty to be the apex of the Middle Kingdom.
The order of its rulers is well known from several sources — two lists recorded at temples in Abydos and one at Saqqara, as well as Manetho's work. A recorded date during the reign of Senusret III can be correlated to the Sothic cycle consequently many events during this dynasty are frequently assigned to a year BC or BCE.

Dynasty XII pharaohs of Egypt
name of KingHorus (Throne) NamedatePyramidQueen(s)
Amenemhat ISehetepibre1991 BC - 1962 BCPyramid of Amenemhet IQueen Neferitatjenen
Senusret I(Sesostris I)Kheperkare1971 BC - 1926 BCPyramid of Senusret IQueen Neferu III
Amenemhat IINubkhaure1929 BC - 1895 BCWhite Pyramid
Queen Kaneferu
Queen Keminub?
Senusret II(Sesostris II)Khakheperre1897 BC - 1878 BCPyramid atEl-Lahun
QueenKhenemetneferhedjet I
Queen Neferet II
Queen Itaweret?
Queen Khnemet
Senusret III(Sesostris III)Khakaure1878 BC - 1839 BCPyramid atDahshur
Queen Meretseger
Queen Neferthenut
QueenKhnemetneferhedjet II
Queen Sithathoriunet
Amenemhat IIINimaatre1860 BC - 1814 BCBlack Pyramid; Pyramid atHawara
Queen Aat
Queen Hetepi
QueenKhenemetneferhedjet III
Amenemhat IVMaakherure1815 BC - 1806 BCSouthern Mazghuna pyramid(conjectural)
QueenSobekneferuSobekkare1806 BC - 1802 BC
Northern Mazghuna pyramid(conjectural)

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