Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt

Twenty-fifth Egyptian family originated in the Koch-called historians Pharaohs black [1] built more than 220 Pyramid, in the city-state's wort, then invaded and took control of Egypt, under the leadership of Alara of Nubia and the kings who followed him (Kashta and Piye and Thariqa), the origin of these newbies family North Sudan, ruled northern Sudan even through southern Turkey, Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Lebanon. Cushitic family has been named the proportion of Cushitic empire that belongs to the family. Is one of the strongest and most powerful families Pharaonic empires in the world at that time with the presence of the Romanian Empire and Alvarsah.oukd Taharqa fought a war with the Persians, in which the Persians defeated Taharqa was the king of the Persians, said: "I have seen some people have not seen tough never like them."
Kushite has fought a war with the Assyrians to keep the areas of the rule of the Kingdom of Kush, the outcome was the defeat of the Ethiopians because of the fact that weapons of bronze metal which is relatively weaker than iron, which is formed from Alohwoorien weapons.
Kushite retreated to southern Egypt and northern Sudan, and began to configure a new kingdom, a kingdom strong plant. Then fought their wars against the Romans in which triumphed Kushite on rum.

Starting from the reign of Taharqa, was paid to the family of those kings of Nubia, in the first instance by the Assyrians, and then by the Pharaohs of the twenty sixth dynasty. Their successors Guenawa stability in Nubia, where they founded Napata (656-590 BC), then the kingdom of Meroe (590 BC - the fourth century AD).

Twenty-fifth family

Alara of Nubia 680 BC - 685 BC.
Kashta 680 BC - 707 BC.
Piye h. 752 BC - 721 BC.
Nets 721 BC - 707 BC.
Shebitku 707 BC - 690 BC.
Taharqa 690-664 BC.
Tantamani 664-656 BC. (Died 653 BC)

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